Raffinerie Investitionsprojekt in Schwechat
Anlage zur thermischen Konversion von Rückständen aus der Vakuum- bzw. atmosphärischen Destillation in Verbindung mit einer Gasturbine
200 Mio. €
Projekt Team:
15 interne Mitarbeiter +
35 externe Mitarbeiter
Projekt Planung
Basic-Engineering, EPCM-Vertragsverhandlung, Investitionsentscheidung, …
Gesamtverantwortung, Detail-Engineering, HAZOP, 3D-Modell-Review, Risikomanagement, Behördenengineering, Einkaufsmanagement, Terminplanung, Lieferanten Inspektionen, …
Persönliche Referenz von Tim Busch
Beschäftigt bei OMV M&R GmbH
08/2006 bis 07/2010
als Senior Project Manager
Project Manger / Abteilungsleiter Maschinentechnik
Stephan Almasy
I very much appreciated working together with Tim in the TGU Project team. His cooperation brought some new ideas to the project.Derived from his engineering background Tim can serve with detailed knowledge about engineering workflows, procurement and project processes and is able to manage complex Projects and large teams to deliver high quality project in challenging enviroments.Tim is a very trustable person. I believe he can be a real asset to a company that looks for someone that not only does an excellent job, but also can come with new ideas and mainly to THINK OUT OF THE BOX!9. März 2015