Technische Planung, Bau & Montage und Inbetriebnahme
von Fackeln auf Bohrinseln im Schwarzen Meer
Budget: 2 Mio. €
Projekt Team: 8 interne Mitarbeiter +20 externe Mitarbeiter
Kunde: OMV Petrom S.A.
Projekt Management, Engineering Management, Bau- und Montage Management, Planungs- und Freigabe Management, Terminplanung (Primavera), Kosten- und Dokumentationsmanagement
Unterauftragnehmer von Brunel Netherlands
Dr. Stephan Staber
Asset Development Manager
OMV Petrom S.A.
„To whom it may concern,
I am happy to write this letter of recommendation for Tim Busch. In this letter, I would like to express my respect and appreciation for this bright ambitious person, who brought outstanding contribution to the work of my group.
I was Tim’s boss from Q2/2014 to end of 2014 and he worked for me on various projects as a project coordinator being completely responsible for the planning and execution of two major sub-projects in an overall oil field redevelopment project offshore Romania – a well tie-in campaign and a temporary flare project.
I would like to say that it is pleasant to work with Tim;
He is reliable and intelligent person with good sense of humor. In my opinion, Tim is a hard-working self-starter who understands fast what a project is all about and is able to deliver high quality work in an ambitious timeframe. His good communication and leadership skills are helping him to achieve his targets.
I am confident that Tim will continue to be very productive. He has my highest recommendation.
Best regards,
Stephan Staber“
2. Feb. 2015